Few Tips For Daily Maintenance Of Mimaki Printhead

With the changing time, printers have become a significant part of any office, household, school, and colleges. People now rely heavily on the printers for their printing needs. One of the most popular brands is Mimaki. However, if initially Mimaki printers are handled properly, they may run problem free till the end. However, here are listed certain tips that can be adopted for daily maintenance of the Mimaki printhead.


The very first thing is that printer should be installed properly. The surface should be flat enough. There must be stable as well as favorable environmental conditions such as humidity level and the temperature of the room. In fact, most important thing to take care of is that there should be no dust in the room where the Mimaki printhead is placed. The printer which is daily taken care is most likely to work effectively and efficiently.

The height of print head should be taken into consideration. In fact, the quality of printing can be adversely affected if there is not proper distance between the print head and the media. For better printing quality, the distance must be small between the media and the print head. However, while starting up the printer, one must before the level of humidity, temperature within the room and the level of ink. Besides this, in printers, solvent ink at used for fast drying. If there is no printing, the pigments within the solvent ink may get dried up around the capping station. When there is no printing, capping tends to close improperly on the print head. As a result, the ink gets to the border through the print head itself, by a misfired nozzle. Thus, the ink begins to dry here only. In order to rectify the problem, you must inject it with JVS flush; as a result the pump will also get cleaned up.

Apart from this, make sure the print head nozzle plates are clean or not. As a matter of fact, always check that there is no dried up ink in or around the edges, as there may be improper working of the capping station. If the plates of the nozzle get dirty, clean them up with the help of swabs. On the contrary, if the nozzle pates are extremely dirty then you must remove the printer cover in order to clean the plates via flush soaked wipes make sure to change the wipes as much as possible.

Hence, for proper working of the Mimaki printhead, you must adopt the above mentioned steps only then you can have the pleasure of high quality of printing.